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Friday, July 20, 2007


Franklinton, NY

Gates Hill Concert Series

Gates Hill Church

Gates Hill Road, Franklinton, NY 12122

phone: (518) 827-4953

Price: $10.00

Wonderful concert series hosted by Sonny Ochs, the sister of the late and great Phil Ochs (see www.sonnyochs.com).

Directions:  Gates Hill Road in Franklinton is turn off Route 145.  It's six miles south of Middleburgh.  A right turn from Rt. 145, coming from the north, and a left, coming from the south.
The church is approximately two miles up Gates Hill Road.

Percussionist extraordinaire Cheryl Prashker will be accompanying me in this intimate, face-to-face, all-unplugged setting.  Come see how soft she can play! ;-)

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