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Saturday, March 2, 2019


Sterling, VA

Celebrating Tom Prasada-Rao


21014 Whitfield Place, Sterling, VA 20165

Purchase tickets online

website: www.focusmusic.org

Show takes place in the Community Lutheran Church of Sterling.

Tickets $20 / $18 adv - click above link for tickets

This show is a multi-artist tribute to the brilliant singer-songwriter Tom Prasada-Rao.  We'll all be playing songs that Tom either wrote or typically plays in his concerts.  The proceeds of the concert will go to benefit Tom as he recovers from major surgery that will keep him from performing for the next several months.

Artists appearing (in alphabetical order here, but not necessarily in this order at the concert):
Jerry Bresee
Susan Cattaneo
Carey Creed
Tony Denikos
Matt Holsen
Cletus Kennelly
Andrew McKnight
Nancy Moran and Fett
Patty and Polly Prasada-Rao
Eric Schwartz
Debi Smith
Lisa Taylor
Lisabeth Weber
Pat Wictor
Doug Alan Wilcox
Brad Yoder

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