Pat Wictor singer songwriter slide guitar Brother Sun riskydisc blues-based roots Americana fingerstyle
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Pat Wictor

Thursday, March 29, 2018

9:30 pm

New York, NY

Gunsense:  Songs and Strategies for Action.  

21A Clinton Street New York, NY 10002

phone: 212-228-2100

Price: $20.00

Purchase tickets online: Click here to purchase tickets

Website: Caveat

This event includes music by several artists, and speakers addressing specific strategies (electoral and otherwise) for combating gun violence.

The musical lineup includes Sloan Wainwright, Janie Barnett, Ina May Wool, Glen Roethel, David Goldman, Neil Okeson, Teri Scheinzeit, Jim Harrison, Judy Kass, and myself.  The event is hosted by Tom Boyd, with guest speaker Frantz Michel of Guns Down, and other speakers TBA.

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