One more test e-mail
Hi folks--
I'm continuing my diagnostic efforts with my web server.
I just wanted to see: 1) did this come out with legible spacing, or are the lines much too far apart? And 2) are there any odd symbols or gobbeldygook cluttering the text up? Please drop me a quick reply, and let me know.
If I can iron out these problems, it'll make my job much simpler!
Thanks for the patience, and talk to you soon!
Pat Wictor []
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I'm continuing my diagnostic efforts with my web server.
I just wanted to see: 1) did this come out with legible spacing, or are the lines much too far apart? And 2) are there any odd symbols or gobbeldygook cluttering the text up? Please drop me a quick reply, and let me know.
If I can iron out these problems, it'll make my job much simpler!
Thanks for the patience, and talk to you soon!
Pat Wictor []
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- A Few Choice Words: Pat Wictor Newsletter, January 8, 2008
- Pat Wictor in Kingston, MA (1/5), w/ Dave Crossland! (correction!)
- Pat Wictor in Kingston, MA (12/5), w/ Dave Crossland!
- Pat Wictor in Binghamton New Year's Eve (12/31)!
- Pat Wictor opens for Aztec Two-Step at Towne Crier, 12/29!
- Pat Wictor Jud Caswell Saturday (12/15) in Jamaica Plain--seats going fast!
- PW in Joe Jencks CD release, Rockville, MD Monday (12/10)!
- Pat Wictor and Jud Caswell in Jamaica Plain (12/15) mark calendar!
- A Few Choice Words: Pat Wictor Newsletter, August 9, 2007
- Yet another test
- One more test e-mail
- A Few Choice Words: Pat Wictor Newsletter, May 4, 2007