Pat Wictor Red Molly in Pt. Washington (1/26)! Big show w/ Cheryl Prashker!
Hi folks--
I'm very, very excited to be playing one of the biggest shows of my life with my good friends Cheryl Prashker and Red Molly. We're playing the Jeanne Rimsky Theater in Port Washington, in the Landmark on Main Street concert series. It's the biggest theatre I've had a headlining spot in--and tickets are going fast!
Saturday, January 26, 8:00pm, $30 adm.
Landmark on Main Street
@Jeanne Rimsky Theatre
232 Main Street
Port Washington, NY 11050
box office 516-767-1384
purchase tickets:
This series is hosted by John Platt of WFUV, who has been a steadfast supporter of me, Red Molly, and a host of emerging artists. Tune in to his show, "City Folk Sunday Breakfast," at 90.7 fm on Sunday mornings, 8-11am. John plays a great mix of artists you've heard and artists you should hear. You can hear it streaming on
Check out the fabulous Red Molly:
I know they're working on a new album with producer Ben Wisch. Maybe they'll do some new songs!
And percussionist extraordinaire Cheryl Prashker: Cheryl's become so in-demand, shows with her are a special occasion. We have a musical rapport that brings something special to each show.....
Upcoming shows:
March 1, Huntington Folk Music Society, Phil Ochs Song Night
March 7, Garden Stage Concerts, Garden City, w/ Toby Walker
May 24, University Cafe, Stony Brook, Bob Dylan Birthday Celebration.
I've got more news on the way--stay tuned...
See you soon!
Pat Wictor
P.S. Everyone on this list signed up for it. If you'd like off, just reply with "Remove" in the subject heading. Thanks! -PW
Pat Wictor []
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I'm very, very excited to be playing one of the biggest shows of my life with my good friends Cheryl Prashker and Red Molly. We're playing the Jeanne Rimsky Theater in Port Washington, in the Landmark on Main Street concert series. It's the biggest theatre I've had a headlining spot in--and tickets are going fast!
Saturday, January 26, 8:00pm, $30 adm.
Landmark on Main Street
@Jeanne Rimsky Theatre
232 Main Street
Port Washington, NY 11050
box office 516-767-1384
purchase tickets:
This series is hosted by John Platt of WFUV, who has been a steadfast supporter of me, Red Molly, and a host of emerging artists. Tune in to his show, "City Folk Sunday Breakfast," at 90.7 fm on Sunday mornings, 8-11am. John plays a great mix of artists you've heard and artists you should hear. You can hear it streaming on
Check out the fabulous Red Molly:
I know they're working on a new album with producer Ben Wisch. Maybe they'll do some new songs!
And percussionist extraordinaire Cheryl Prashker: Cheryl's become so in-demand, shows with her are a special occasion. We have a musical rapport that brings something special to each show.....
Upcoming shows:
March 1, Huntington Folk Music Society, Phil Ochs Song Night
March 7, Garden Stage Concerts, Garden City, w/ Toby Walker
May 24, University Cafe, Stony Brook, Bob Dylan Birthday Celebration.
I've got more news on the way--stay tuned...
See you soon!
Pat Wictor
P.S. Everyone on this list signed up for it. If you'd like off, just reply with "Remove" in the subject heading. Thanks! -PW
Pat Wictor []
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- Pat Wictor Red Molly in Pt. Washington (1/26)! Big show w/ Cheryl Prashker!
- Pat Wictor in Watertown, CT (1/19)!
- Pat Wictor Jon Shain at Caffe Lena Friday (1/18), in Saratoga Springs!
- Pat Wictor Jon Shain in NYC Thursday, 1/17!
- A Few Choice Words: Pat Wictor Newsletter, January 8, 2008
- Pat Wictor in Kingston, MA (1/5), w/ Dave Crossland! (correction!)
- Pat Wictor in Kingston, MA (12/5), w/ Dave Crossland!
- Pat Wictor in Binghamton New Year's Eve (12/31)!
- Pat Wictor opens for Aztec Two-Step at Towne Crier, 12/29!
- Pat Wictor Jud Caswell Saturday (12/15) in Jamaica Plain--seats going fast!
- PW in Joe Jencks CD release, Rockville, MD Monday (12/10)!
- Pat Wictor and Jud Caswell in Jamaica Plain (12/15) mark calendar!