A Few Choice Words: Pat Wictor Newsletter, July 30, 2009
- Unsung Heroes
- Ears and Eyes: What I'm listening to and reading
-Washington Phillips, Daniel Levitin, and more
- Upcoming Gigs & appearances
full calendar: https://patwictor.com
Unsung Heroes
The world runs, day in and day out, because of unsung heroes. Families, organizations, and businesses all stay afloat because of men and women who shoulder the necessary tasks, day after day, often without fanfare, thanks or even acknowledgment.
Pat Scott was one such person. He gave the recent years of his life to two things: presenting live music, and making the world a better place. And he did both with quiet dedication, without thought of reward or credit.
I first met Pat a few years ago. He cut a distinctive figure: Big red beard, tinted glasses, hat, pipe, usually wearing a t-shirt from a music festival or conference. He wasn't real talkative, but you could tell by his sidewise grin, he didn't miss a thing. I began running into him everywhere, often with his sweetheart, Ginger: at the Northeast Folk Alliance, Philly Folk Festival, the Susquehanna Music and Arts Festival, the Falcon Ridge Folk Festival, and lots of venues near Philadelphia. Pat volunteered everywhere, handling merchandise sales, stage managing, directing traffic, and doing everything else that was needed. He simply showed up, said, "What do you need me to do?" and went about doing it well.
Pat was also active in community organizations and progressive causes. He was especially involved with Women In Transition (WIT), which provides support to women in Philadelphia who are endangered by domestic violence and/ or substance abuse. Through his kindness, care, and can-do spirit, Pat became a trusted part of WIT's community.
Pat passed suddenly last November, and there was a beautiful memorial service in December, bringing together Pat's family and his friends in the music community. After the service, I called up Cheryl Prashker, LisaBeth Weber, and Maggie Marshall, and we all recorded two songs under the band name "Philly Friends," releasing them as a two-song EP. Photographer Jayne Toohey, the fifth "Philly Friend," collected some beautiful photos of Pat, and did lovely graphics for the CD. Members of the Philadelphia folk community generously donated to help finance the project. Ginger Osborne provided invaluable guidance, support, and blessing. And, ALL the proceeds of the CD are going to benefit Women In Transition.
So, I don't normally use this newsletter to trumpet my own projects, but I'm happy to do it this time because it's a community effort, it can do some good in the world, and it's a way to tell folks about our friend Pat Scott. Come get the "Philly Friends" CD at my (or Cheryl's, or LisaBeth's) shows, or purchase it (in CD or download form) on my website.
I feel lucky to have known Pat--he's a reminder of all the unsung heroes in our lives. Who are some of the ones in your life? Let them know!
Women In Transition:http://www.helpwomen.org
Purchase the "Philly Friends" EP:https://patwictor.com/index.php?page=cds
"Philly Friends" myspace: www.myspace.com/phillyfriends
More on the other Philly Friends:
Cheryl Prashker: http://www.cherylprashker.com
LisaBeth Weber: http://www.LisaBethWeber.com
Jayne Toohey: http://www.2ephoto.com/
Ears and Eyes: What Im Listening to and Reading:
Washington Phillips, "The Key to the Kingdom" http://tinyurl.com/ln8cj2
Cliff Carlisle, "Blue Yodeler and Steel Guitar Wizard." http://tinyurl.com/krkobf
Daniel J. Levitin, "This is Your Brain On Music." http://tinyurl.com/mqhjo9
Leonard Mlodinow, "The Drunkard's Walk: How Randomness Rules Our Lives." http://tinyurl.com/nedupc
Upcoming Pat Wictor gigs and appearances.
Full calendar details and links: https://patwictor.com
July 31-Aug. 2 Champlain Valley Folk Festival, Ferrisburgh, VT Cheryl Prashker accompanies on mainstage!
August 6 Googie's, New York, NY "Slide Sessions" w/ Abbie Gardner
August 8 Canalfest, Rotterdam, NY
August 22 Creekside Concerts, Lenhartsville, PA
August 26 Picnic Supper Concerts, Port Jefferson, NY
August 28 The Minstrel, Morristown, NJ w/ Jon Shain
August 29 Lake House, Goldens Bridge, NY w/ Joe Crookston
September 9 Escape Guesthouse, Brooklyn, NY w/ Aileen Morgan
September 12 Driftwood Folk Cafe, Plymouth, MA
September 19 North Elk Coffeehouse, North East, MD
September 26 Fox Run House Concert, Sudbury, MA w/ Stephanie Corby
October 15 Uptown Concerts, Sykesville, MD co-bill w/ David Jacobs-Strain
October 17 Winterstream House Concert, Centre Hall, PA
October 18 Lake Effect Shows, Rochester, NY
October 23 Madison Folk Music Society, Madison, WI w/ Phil Ochs Song Night
October 24 Old Town School of Music, Chicago, IL w/ Phil Ochs Song Night
October 25 The Ark, Ann Arbor, MI w/ Phil Ochs Song Night
November 6 Me and Thee, Marblehead, MA w/ Jon Shain
November 7 Circle of Friends, Franklin, MA "Saints and Sinners" w/ Toby Walker
November 8 Jalopy, Brooklyn, NY
November 13 Uncle Calvin's, Dallas, TX opening for Harvey Reid
November 19 Anderson Fair, Houston, TX
November 20 Barnes House Concert, Houston, TX
November 21 House Concerts in the Hill Country, Boerne, TX
November 22 House Concert, Austin, TX
More dates being added all the time!
Until next time: many thanks, and warm regards,
Pat Wictor
and facebook too. :-)
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- Lessons: I now give one-on-one lessons and group classes in guitar, songwriting,
song interpretation, improvisation, and performance, in Brooklyn and on the road.
Email me for rates and scheduling: patwictor@earthlink.net
- I'm now on Twitter--for brief thoughts in between newsletters: http://twitter.com/patwictor
- Buy Pat Wictor's latest CD "Sunset Waltz" at
CD Baby.com: http://www.cdbaby.com/wictor5
Amazon.com: http://tinyurl.com/Amazon-Sunset
iTunes: http://tinyurl.com/iTunes-Sunset
Tell your friends to subscribe. Point them here: https://patwictor.com
Do you want me to perform in your area, in your home, or at your event?
Contact my booking agent, McShane Glover tel. 410-268-8232, or mcshane@mcnote.com
contact info
Modern Man's Rob Carlson says, "He not only is a great guy and a great talent, but I believe he has, follicle for follicle, the best hair in folk music.
If you are interested in booking Pat Wictor, contact McShane Glover:
tel. 410-268-8232, or mcshane@mcnote.com
- Bio: https://patwictor.com
- YouTube Videos: http://youtube.com/patwictor
- Contact Pat Wictor directly: patwictor@earthlink.net
. . .
Under no circumstances will Risky Disc, SLAB500, Pat Wictor, or any of their affiliates, assign, sell, trade or receive payment for licensing or disclosing your personal information, including, without limitation, the names or e-mail addresses of subscribers.
To subscribe to "A Few Choice Words," visit: https://patwictor.com
To unsubscribe, send an e-mail to patwictor@earthlink.net with "UNSUBSCRIBE" in the
subject heading.
(c)2009 RiskyDisc. All rights reserved.
- Pat Wictor in MA 9/12 (Plymouth) and 9/26 (Sudbury)!
- Pat Wictor in Brooklyn, 9-9-09 w/ Aileen Morgan!
- Pat Wictor and Joe Crookston in Goldens Bridge, NY August 29! --live recording!
- Pat Wictor in Morristown, NJ on August 28 w/ Jon Shain--live recording!
- Pat Wictor in Port Jefferson, August 26! --recording show!
- Pat Wictor in Lenhartsville, PA on Saturday, August 22--and live recording!!
- Pat Wictor at Mabee Farm (Rotterdam Junction), NY on Saturday (8/8)!
- FLASH: Pat Wictor and Abbie Gardner in NYC tomorrow night (8/6)!
- A Few Choice Words: Pat Wictor Newsletter, July 30, 2009
- FLASH: Pat Wictor in Montclair today begins at 12:30pm!
- Tonight's concert POSTPONED (rain! Urgh!) til August 26 !!
- Pat Wictor in Montclair, NJ 6/28--Sunday afteroon!