Pat Wictor opens for Aztec Two-Step at Towne Crier, 12/29!
Hi folks--
I'm opening for a band that has been cranking out melodic, witty, and eminently listenable acoustic pop for most of my lifetime. Aztec Two-Step are heroes in my book, and I'm very pleased to be opening for them! Take a little time during your holidays and come see us:
Saturday, December 29, 9:00pm, $30/ $25 adv
Towne Crier Cafe
130 Route 22
Pawling, NY 12564
Should be a really fun night! Check out Aztec Two-Step at
For my Connecticut friends, the Towne Crier is within easy reach of much of Western Connecticut.
I wish you and yours all the best for a holiday season filled with good company, good music, good food, and good cheer!
Warmest regards,
Pat Wictor
P.S. Everyone on this list signed up for it. If you'd like off, just reply with "Remove" in the subject heading--no problem. Thanks! -PW----------------------------------------------------------------------Pat Wictor []----------------------------------------------------------------------You are subscribed as Your user name is unsubscribe from these mailings, visit or reply with "unsubscribe" in the subject.Powered by SLAB500 []
I'm opening for a band that has been cranking out melodic, witty, and eminently listenable acoustic pop for most of my lifetime. Aztec Two-Step are heroes in my book, and I'm very pleased to be opening for them! Take a little time during your holidays and come see us:
Saturday, December 29, 9:00pm, $30/ $25 adv
Towne Crier Cafe
130 Route 22
Pawling, NY 12564
Should be a really fun night! Check out Aztec Two-Step at
For my Connecticut friends, the Towne Crier is within easy reach of much of Western Connecticut.
I wish you and yours all the best for a holiday season filled with good company, good music, good food, and good cheer!
Warmest regards,
Pat Wictor
P.S. Everyone on this list signed up for it. If you'd like off, just reply with "Remove" in the subject heading--no problem. Thanks! -PW----------------------------------------------------------------------Pat Wictor []----------------------------------------------------------------------You are subscribed as Your user name is unsubscribe from these mailings, visit or reply with "unsubscribe" in the subject.Powered by SLAB500 []
- A Few Choice Words: Pat Wictor Newsletter, January 8, 2008
- Pat Wictor in Kingston, MA (1/5), w/ Dave Crossland! (correction!)
- Pat Wictor in Kingston, MA (12/5), w/ Dave Crossland!
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- Pat Wictor opens for Aztec Two-Step at Towne Crier, 12/29!
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