A Few Choice Words: Pat Wictor Newsletter, May 13, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
- At the Crossroads
- Ears and Eyes: What I'm listening to and reading
-Crying Sam Collins, Brad Warner and more
- Upcoming Gigs & appearances
full calendar: https://patwictor.com
At the Crossroads
Legend has it that Robert Johnson went down to the crossroads and sold his soul to the devil, in exchange for becoming a dazzling and brilliant guitar player. Johnson's swift death just a few years later was confirmation, the story goes, that the devil had collected on his end of the deal. It's an old story, going back to the middle ages with the legend of Faust.
We all find ourselves at crossroads sometime in life. Sometimes the choice is like Robert Johnson's: between short-term gain (with bad long-term results), or a more difficult path with no short-cuts (and with rewards that only appear in the long term). As a baseball fan, I've been repeatedly saddened by some of the great players' sellout to steroids and other performance-enhancers. They've jeopardized their long-term health and legacies, and the integrity of the game, for short-term accolades.
More often, the crossroads presents a choice between coasting along, doing what works fine for now, or choosing to go further, develop more skills, and become better at what you do. The latter is always the harder choice in the short-term, and the devil's siren song is, "If it ain't broke, why fix it?" The devil never lets on that what works today might not work so well in the future.
Around five years ago, no one was more surprised than me when I started getting a lot of attention on the folk circuit. Many people did me countless good turns (and still do!), contributing to the snowballing interest in my work. But last summer, I felt myself at a crossroads. I had come to the end of my run as a hot new emerging artist. The spotlight seeking exciting new acts was turning towards other deserving people. (Many of them are my friends, and I'm glad to see them getting momentum!) My crossroads had two roads leaving it: becoming an established artist with a growing audience, or becoming a footnote, a flash in the folk music pan, with a shrinking audience.
I had some choices to make, which would point me down one road or the other. My musical heroes who have stuck around for decades keep pushing themselves to learn and advance. Chris Smither keeps writing better and better songs. Kelly Joe Phelps keeps getting more inventive and musically improvisational. I too want to keep improving at my craft--to write more and better songs, to become a more creative and expressive guitar player, and yes, to become a better entertainer. When the devil shows up, he's usually offering ways to waste my time, instead of working on my craft. I'm learning that of the two resources, time and money, time is the much more valuable (and non-renewable) of the two. The crossroads, in the end, is always a few seconds away, in our minute-to-minute choices.
What are some of the crossroads you've stood at (or still face) in life?
Robert Johnson, "Cross Road Blues." http://tinyurl.com/p2cerx
Short article on the Faust legend: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faust
Wikipedia on Marlowe's version of the Faust legend:
NPR program: "Steroids in Baseball: Why Do We Care?"
Chris Smither website: http://www.chrissmither.com
Kelly Joe Phelps website: http://www.kellyjoephelps.com
Ears and Eyes: What Im Listening to and Reading:
Crying Sam Collins, "Jailhouse Blues." Download (CD out of print): http://tinyurl.com/ou7oah
Sly and the Family Stone, "Anthology." Buy the CD: http://tinyurl.com/r6ag3z
Brad Warner, "Sit Down and Shut Up: Punk Rock Commentaries on Buddha, God, Truth, Sex, Death,
and Dogen's Treasury of the Right Dharma Eye." Buy the book: http://tinyurl.com/r973q8
Ruth Padel, "Darwin: A Life in Poems." http://tinyurl.com/or4cnm
Upcoming Pat Wictor gigs and appearances.
Full calendar details and links: https://patwictor.com
May 14 Athenaeum, Alexandria, VA
May 15 Spring Gulch Folk Festival, New Holland, PA
May 16 Music at the Mission, W. Milford, NJ "Saints & Sinners," w/ Toby Walker
May 17 Private Event, Columbia, MD
May 17 Philadelphia Folksong Society Concert, Elkins Park, PA
June 13 Turning Point Cafe, Piermont, NY co-bill w/ Rex Foster (of Aztec Two-Step)
June 28 Montclair Unity Church, Montclair, NJ Afternoon concert
July 19-24 SUUSI, Radford, VA
July 31-Aug. 2 Champlain Valley Folk Festival, Ferrisburgh, VT
July 11 Monty's Room, Katonah, NY
August 8 Canalfest, Rotterdam, NY
August 22 Creekside Concerts, Lenhartsville, PA
August 28 The Minstrel, Morristown, NJ w/ Jon Shain
August 29 Lake House, Goldens Bridge, NY w/ Joe Crookston
September 12 Driftwood Folk Cafe, Plymouth, MA
September 26 Fox Run House Concert, Sudbury, MA w/ Stephanie Corby
October 15 Uptown Concerts, Sykesville, MD co-bill w/ David Jacobs-Strain
More dates being added all the time!
Until next time: many thanks, and warm regards,
Pat Wictor
and facebook too. :-)
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I'm now on Twitter--for brief thoughts in between newsletters:
- Buy Pat Wictor's latest CD "Sunset Waltz" at
CD Baby.com: http://www.cdbaby.com/wictor5
Amazon.com: http://tinyurl.com/Amazon-Sunset
iTunes: http://tinyurl.com/iTunes-Sunset
Tell your friends to subscribe. Point them here: https://patwictor.com
**I now give lessons and coaching in guitar, songwriting, song interpretation, and performance,
in Brooklyn and on the road. Email me for rates and scheduling:
Do you want me to perform in your area, in your home, or at your event?
Contact my booking agent, McShane Glover tel. 410-268-8232, or mcshane@mcnote.com
contact info
Modern Man's Rob Carlson says, "He not only is a great guy and a great talent, but I believe he has, follicle for follicle, the best hair in folk music.
If you are interested in booking Pat Wictor, contact McShane Glover:
tel. 410-268-8232, or mcshane@mcnote.com
- Bio: https://patwictor.com
- YouTube Videos: http://youtube.com/patwictor
- Contact Pat Wictor directly: patwictor@earthlink.net
. . .
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(c)2009 RiskyDisc. All rights reserved.
- Pat Wictor free Concert 6/24 in Port Jefferson!
- Pat Wictor at Turning Point, Piermont, NY June 13 w/ Rex Fowler of Aztec Two-Step!
- Pat Wictor at Turning Point, Piermont, NY June 13 w/ Rex Fowler of Aztec Two-Step!
- Pat Wictor and Toby Walker in Philadelphia, Sunday May 17 and new release!
- Pat Wictor in Alexandria tonight and House concert in MD on Sunday
- A Few Choice Words erratum
- A Few Choice Words: Pat Wictor Newsletter, May 13, 2009
- Pat Wictor in Albany Saturday 5/9, with Phil Ochs Song Night!
- Pat Wictor and Toby Walker "Saints & Sinners" in W. Milford, NJ, Saturday 5/16!
- Pat Wictor in Alexandria, VA Thursday 5/14 & Live recording! & Spring Gulch 5/15
- Article on Pat Wictor shows in Oxford (tonight! 4/24) and Rochester area (tomorrow! 4/25)
- Pat Wictor in Pawtucket, RI this Saturday (4/18) w/ Toby Walker!